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Showing posts from January, 2019

On rating scales

Hello everyone! Before I release my A Hat in Time review/critique I wanted to make a post about a topic I have a lot of opinions on, that of rating scales. What do I mean by "Rating Scales"?           When I say "rating scales" I mean any numeric scale which somebody uses to give a shorthand description on their opinion on something. The most common rating scales used are the 5 point scale, and the 10 point scale. Some people use stars, some use thumbs up or thumbs down (which is really just a 2 point scale) and some (like rotten tomatoes) use percentages (which is really just a 100 point scale). Now why am I talking about rating scales, and why do I think they're important? Why rating scales matter          What prompted me to make this post at all is that I recently had a conversation with someone about Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee. Here's how the conversation went down. Me: "So I can get a better understanding of if I should

On the semantics of review and critique

Hello everyone! It's been a while since I last posted here, so before I jump into things I would like to give all of you reading a little timeline rundown. First off, I’ve finished almost all of my picks for January! I have a few posts I want to make before I release my reviews/critiques for them, so I'll outline a rough timeline for you all below. Late January Next : Post on rating scales After : A Hat in Time Review/Critique Anyone who knows me knows I am passionate about rating scales and think they matter a whole lot so before my first review I want to let you guys know what rating scale I will be using, why I'm using it, and why I think rating scales matter in the first place. After that I want to release a review as a sort of teaser for how my reviews will be structured going forward. I just finished "A Hat in Time" so it was my obvious pick. February 1st Picks for February Early February January picks reviews/critiques

Picks: January

Hey everyone, as promised listed below are my picks for January 2019! As I stated in the previous post, the theme is "Critically Acclaimed" and as per the rules I have to give a bit of an explanation behind each of my picks. In addition I cannot pick anything I have already completed, so although it may surprise you I have not completed any of the choices listed below before. With that out of the way, let's get into it! Album: The Dark Side of the Moon Artist: Pink Floyd Currently listed as the best album of all time on Ranker, and coming in at number 14 on sputnik music's best albums of all time, this is undeniably one of the most critically acclaimed albums ever released. Why did I chose this album: Within the sphere of progressive rock there seems to be no album more popular than Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd. It seems to be an album to serve as a great stepping stone into the world of progressive rock, and an album that I absolutely need to li