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Picks: December

Picks: December

Theme: Snow

Hey all! It's been quite a while since I last made a post here. The holidays have had me away from home for quite a while, so I've been a bit delayed in getting out new posts. Before the year ends though, I'd like to take a moment and let you guys know what I've been checking out this holiday season! This is the last month of my year of critique, it's been a blast I hope you've all enjoyed. I'll get to the posts I'm behind on early next year, for now let's get into my picks!

Album: 50 Words for Snow

Kate Bush

Why I chose this Album: Jazz is the first genre that comes to mind when I think of the winter season. Cuddled up by the fire listening to Jazz when it's cold outside is a pretty traditional american past time, which makes this album such a treat. It's not only a jazz album (the first I'm doing for YoC), but also a concept album about the winter season. Originally I planned to do an album that was more Christmas related (as the theme was originally going to be The Holidays), but this one just fit the theme of Snow far better.

Film: White Christmas

Michael Curtiz

Why I chose this Film: It's Christmas related sure, but still pretty fitting for the theme of Snow if I do say so myself. It's also the first comedy of the year for me (although Amelie was quite funny), so I felt it added some diversity to the mix as well. White Christmas is a classic holiday film - even through its age it has a staying power not many other holiday films can match. I don't watch many older movies, I'm hoping this one will still be engaging date and provide the warm feelies I'm looking for curled up on the couch.

Book: A Christmas Carol

Charles Dickens

Why I chose this Book: Another Christmas related piece, but again another fitting one (the holidays is pretty synonymous with Snow anyway). My girlfriend has been trying to get me to read this book for a long while, now seems to finally be the time. It's a chilling piece whose influence on popular media cannot be under stated.

Game: Celeste

Matt Makes Games

Why I chose this game: Alright I'll be honest, this is the item this month I'm the most excited to get around to. Literally everybody I know who's played this game adores it, it gets rave reviews online, and it's about as close to perfect for the theme as a game can get. It's a platformer that has you scaling a snowy mountain for its entire duration. I've been waiting all year to play Celeste, and am incredibly excited the wait is over.


And those are my picks for December! It's been a long fun ride, I still have a lot of reviews to get out so stay tuned for those.

Until Then!


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